
Sport after Liposuction

Sport after Liposuction

If you are wondering how long you will not be able to do sports after liposuction, the answer is: it depends. If you have had extensive liposuction, your recovery time will be longer than if you have had light liposuction.

When can I go to the gym after liposuction?

You can usually return to your normal life fairly quickly after liposuction, but there are some special considerations when it comes to exercise. Liposuction expert Dr. Tenorio will explain what you can and cannot do at your appointment. Here are the basics.

Healing after liposuction

If you consider what your body has gone through - the removal of part of your body's infrastructure, the fat - then you can conceptualize the repair needed under the skin. Exercising too soon, especially vigorous exercise, can affect the healing process. Light physical activity is usually not a problem and is even encouraged a few days after surgery; however, "light" means hanging out the laundry and going to the supermarket. It does not mean jogging or aerobics.
It is important to keep the blood flowing, but the aim is not to stress the healing tissues, but to keep the blood and lymph flowing (Lymph is the fluid that accumulates when a part of your body swells). The more fat you remove, the longer it will take for you to resume your normal activities.

How do I get back into sports after liposuction?

You should start doing about 25% of what you used to do, and gradually increase from there.
- Listen to your body!
- Avoid certain exercises around the treatment area, where there are bruises and incisions. Exercise programme after liposuction. Within two days, start with light aerobic exercise (mainly walking).
- Resistance exercise - start slowly and gently, at low intensity
- About two weeks - resume resistance exercise, start slowly, and increase your usual sessions over the weeks. About three weeks - resume high impact aerobic exercise (running, gym class). With your doctor's approval, you can return to full physical activity about six weeks after surgery.

A gentle return to sport

You may be concerned that if you don't continue your exercise programme you will lose your fitness. The problem is that exercise can cause even more swelling and discomfort, which will take even longer to heal. If you can resume exercise quickly, do lighter exercises for the first month and avoid running, cycling or dancing. Instead, opt for light exercises with weights. Avoid using special exercise machines that will cause tightness around the treatment area.

Before you start exercising, talk to your practitioner about your options and get the green light or further instructions on what you can and cannot do.
Signs that you have gone too far:
- Cramps during training
- Pain in the treatment area
- Bleeding from incision wounds
- Leaking incision wounds
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded during exercise.

Caring for your liposuction treatment

After liposuction, it is important to maintain a healthy weight, as weight gain can lead to an increase in visceral fat around the internal organs. Your body may try to compensate for the fat removed.
There is evidence that regular exercise after liposuction reduces the tendency for visceral fat to accumulate. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are more important than ever after liposuction.

The Aesthetics Clinic in Geneva is available to answer any questions you may have and offers you the opportunity to start your first liposuction consultation

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