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Cellulitis is caused by the anatomical organization of fat columns resulting in irregularities in the skin (orange skin or peau d’orange).

About Cellulitis

Women are more likely to develop cellulitis than men. The most common locations are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.Today, there are few treatments to improve this condition.

Type of Cellulitis  & Methods of Treatment.


Lipolysis by ultrasound


Lipo-sculpture followed by a few sessions of skin tightening by means of  light therapy (IPL).

Aesthetics surgery

The most common locations are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
Today, there are few treatments to improve this condition: a non-invasive treatment based in lipolysis by ultrasound or a lipo-sculpture followed by a few sessions of skin tightening by means of  light therapy (IPL).


Type of Anaesthesia and Hospitalisation

here are few treatments to improve this condition: a non-invasive treatment based in lipolysis by ultrasound or a lipo-sculpture followed by a few sessions of skin tightening by means of  light therapy (IPL).


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