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Liposuction in Geneva

Also known as Suction-Assisted Lipectomy, this technique allows the definite removal of localized fat deposits, which generally does not respond to an appropriate diet and physical activity. Body areas suitable for this proceedure include the; chin, neck, cheeks, arms, abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs.

Since the number of fat cells are genetically determine and they cannot multiply, the aspirated tissue will not return, however the remaining fat will respond to the usual metabolism of the patient.
If you’re seeking a secure, reliable, and effective way of eliminating stubborn fat, Liposuction is the answer. With the latest technological advances, this procedure can help you achieve the perfect figure you’ve always wanted. Read through this article to learn about the top reasons to have Liposuction, and more.

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What is Liposuction and how is it performed

Liposuction, is an effective method for removing fat from specific areas of the body. The procedure involves making small incisions in hidden areas and using a specially designed cannula to suction out the fat tissue. The length of the procedure can vary from some minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. To ensure patient comfort, a personalized anesthesia is used for the surgery. Liposuction allows the radical and definitive removal of localised fat. Its best indication is the removal of those locations impossible to modify despite a good diet and regular physical exercise.

On the other hand, liposuction does not constitute a method to become thinner and its goal is not to control the patient’s weight nor act as a treatment of obesity. Liposuction (developed in 1977 for Yves-Gerard ILLOUZ), consists of the aspiration of fat through very thin tubes inserted through small incisions. The tube is connected to a pump producing negative pressure, allowing a uniform suction. Fat cells do not have the faculty to multiply, thus the result is definitive.

In practice, liposuction can be applied to a great number of areas of the body: the “love handles”, hips, the abdomen, thighs, knees, calves, ankles and arms. Its technical improvements also have made it possible to extend its action to the level of the face and the neck (double chin, oval of the face).

Why has Liposuction?

This procedure removes body fat in the hips, neck, arms, tummy, loins, thighs, inner side of the knees, ankles, hips, and buttocks.

The most common reasons why people choose to have Liposuction are:

  • Achieve a desired body shape and regain confidence

Most of the people have areas of fat that won’t go away no matter how much exercise or dieting they do. Liposuction is an excellent option in that case. The procedure can help them achieve the body shape they desire. At the end, this plays an important phsycological role helping the individuals feel better with their “new” body, starting again to do all the things they always liked but stopped to do because of the body fat itself.

  • Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is caused by excess fat deposits beneath the skin, making it appear dimpled or lumpy. Liposuction can help reduce cellulite and leave you with smoother skin.

  • Improve Skin Elasticity

Liposuction is also beneficial because it can improve, by stimulating collagen production, skin elasticity in certain areas with large amounts of fat. This helps to give the area more definition and tone, as well as reduce wrinkles and sagging.

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in Geneva, Gstaad and Montreux

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in Geneva, Gstaad and Montreux!


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Types Of Micro Lipo / Lipo & Methods of Treatment.

The surgery


Time of work

It should be noted that the time necessary to recover from a liposuction is proportional to the quantity of extracted fat. Bruises and swelling appear on the level of the treated areas. The pain is variable, but in general not significant, thanks to the use of very fine tubes

The results

The final result will be visible only six months after the surgery. The liposuction allows definitively removal of located overloads of fat, while involving an appreciable retraction of the skin.

Type of Anaesthesia and Hospitalisation

A liposuction can be carried out under general, regional or
local anaesthesia deepened by sedatives. The choice
between these different techniques will result from a
discussion between you, the surgeon and the anaesthetist.
Hospitalization: The post-operative time required to remain
in the clinic depends on the amount of fat that has been
removed ranging from few hours to one or two nights.

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